Rounding Up Your Online Presence – FREE Course

This mini training module will help you to round up your online presence and start to take control over what can easily feel overwhelming and scattered.

$0.00 inc. GST

Online Information Worksheet


A free taster course to help you  to round up your online presence and start to take control over what can easily feel overwhelming and scattered.

What You’ll Learn

  • The key information about your online presence that you need to keep handy (Includes an easy to fill in template)


Who is the course for?


DIY Website Owners

Micro and small business owners, and entrepreneurs who look after their own WordPress website.


Web Designers/Graphic Designers

We all had to start somewhere, so learning how to make the websites you build more secure is a critical technical skill.


Office Administrators

If your office admin also looks after your website, then they need to know how to keep your site safe and secure.


Virtual Assistants

VAs who look after websites for their clients, or want to add it as a service for their business.